How To Cure Gum Infection Naturally At Home?


"How to cure gum infection naturally at home?", Is today the topic. As tooth gums are the soft tissues that holding or fixing teeth in the mouth, and it looks firm and pink, but sometimes due to different reasons, like poor brushing, smoking, or etc, a plaque or a thick layer of bacteria starts to build upon the teeth, called gum infection or gingivitis, and later it's advance stage know as periodontal gum disease.

Symptoms Of Periodontal Gum Infection

Here are the following most common symptoms of unhealthy gums or periodontal gums :
  • Unhealthy tooth gums look bright red and swelling.
  • During brushing teeth, gums start to bleed.
  • Gums appear to be pulling away from the teeth.
  • Bad breath
  • Pus between teeth and gum
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot
  • Sometime toothache


Gum Infection Causes

Here are the main causes of gum infection :
  • Poor brushing
  • Smoking
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Medication
  • Acid reflux


Here a lot of different synthetic products are available in markets, in order to reduce gum infection, but all of such products have chemicals, that have many other side effects on your skin. So, avoid all such kind of products. And try the remedy today I am sharing with you and also share it with your friends to get rid of the gum infection permanently. 




  • 1.tsp - Oregano essential oil 
  1. Oregano oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to kill bacteria and fungus causing gum infection.
  2. Oregano oil also fights against tooth decay.

  • 1.tsp - Clove essential oil 
  1. Clove oil has a natural ability to reduce the development of bacteria causing gum infection.
  2. Clove oil has eugenol, which helps to relieve toothache and bad breath.
  • 1/2.cup - Saltwater
Saltwater is a natural healer, this will help to soothe swelling gum, as well as remove gum infection, and allow gums to heal.


  • First of all, mix oregano oil with clove oil thoroughly, to have a homogeneous solution.
  • Now apply it to gum infection, with the help of fingertips before going to sleep, and leave it on there throughout the night.
  • Then in the morning, resin it off with saltwater, repeat the same daily, within a week you will completely get rid of gum infection. ( ALSO SEE How To Clean Earwax In 2 Mins? )
