How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally At Home?


"How to get rid of acne scars naturally?", Is a very common skin problem. Actually, ance scars are the marks or skin tags, leftover of pimples, whiteheads or blackheads, and usually appear on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. People of all ages have acne scars, but most teenagers are its main victim. But no need to worry about acne scars, as it is totally natural, and with time it disappears.

 But if you are looking for an overnight solution for acne scars, then you are at the right post. Because today here, I will share with you a secret trick, with which you will get rid of acne scars just in a single night. And good news for you, all the ingredients used in it are natural and easily available, or maybe already at your home. ( SEE How To Wash Your Face Properly? )


Here are the few main causes of acne scars :
  • Genetics (parents to child or partner to partner)
  • Hormones Imbalance (periods, pregnancy or puberty, etc)
  • Lack of Sleep (stress, tiredness, or anxiety, etc)
  • Food (milk, gluten, soy or junk food, etc)
  • Cosmetic (oils, chemicals or fragrance, etc)
  • Dandruff in hair
  • Digestive problems
  • Certain medications  

All of the above, and many more are the causes of acne scars, but as I already told you it is totally natural, and we can get rid acne scars overnight with just a little effect.


A lot of cosmetic products available in the market to get rid of acne scars, but all such products contain chemicals which also has other side effects too on your skin. So, don't try such a product.

Today here, I am sharing with you a natural remedy to get rid of acne scars naturally. All the ingredients use are natural and easily available. So, must try it and also share it with your friends to get rid of acne scars within just a week.




  • 1.tsp - Lemon
  1. Lemon is enriched with citric acid and anti-septics, which kills the bacterias that cause acne.
  2. Lemon also has anti-inflammation properties, which helps to reduce inflammation and redness, to remove acne scars.

  • 1.tsp - Apple cider Vinegar
  1. Apple cider vinegar is enriched with acetic acid, an astringent, which helps in the removal of damaged or dead cells of the outer layer of skin, and at the same time stimulates regeneration, to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  2. Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which reduce the inflammation and smoothing out acne scars.

  • 1.tsp - Honey
Honey has natural healing properties, which helps the healing of acne scars and many other skin problems, like wrinkles, skin pigmentations, or anti-aging, etc.



  • First of all, mix all the ingredients in a bowl to have a homogeneous mixture.
  • Now apply it on the affected skin(acne scars), with the help of cotton swabs, and leave it on 15-20 mins.
  • After 20 mins, wash it off with normal water, do the same for a few days, within one week you will get rid of acne scars completely. (ALSO SEE How To Have A Glowing Skin Naturally? )
