How To Reduce Belly Bloating And Farting Naturally?


"How to get rid of belly-bloating and farting naturally?", Is today's topic. Actually, when air mix with gases(by-products of digestion) in the digestive tract, results in belly swelling called the belly-bloating and passing out these gases from the digestive system through the rectum, called farting. According to research, about 15-20 times averagely men or women farting daily. Surprised ?, You didn't notice ever? Actually, normally our large intestine produces odorless gas. That's why we don't notice them.

Farting is normal, but farting all day is not good, as it may be signs of different health problems like constipation, bloating, digestion disorder, etc, and we are also uncomfortable with excessive farting, called flatulence. Therefore we must take precautions on time to get rid of flatulence completely.

Before moving to "How to get rid of belly-bloating naturally?", we must know first "What are the causes of bloating and digestive gas?", Then we will able to get rid of bloating and gas completely.


Here are the most common causes of belly-bloating and digestive gas :

  • Not chewing food properly, while eating.
  • Having an excess of soft drink
  • Smoking
  • Chewing gum
  • Constipation
  • Low stomach acid
  • Swallowing air, while eating or drinking.

As all of the above are very normal for everyone, therefore no need to worry, as everybody farts, we fart too and we can reduce belly bloating and flatulence naturally with the help of the following remedy.


A lot of syrups and medicines are available in the market to reduce flatulence but like all such products have chemicals, which has many other side effects too, therefore avoid all such products, and try the remedy today I am sharing with you, as all the ingredients used in it are natural, cheap, and easily available, or maybe already at your home.
Must try it and also share with your friends to get rid of belly-bloating and farting fast.


  • 1.inch - Ginger(natural carminative, relief flatulence)
  • 1.tsp - Limen Juice(form carbon dioxide, facilitaes digestion process)
  • 1/2.tsp - Baking Soda(neutralize stomach acid, relieve bloating and excessive gas) 
  • - Water


  • First of all, put ginger in water and slightly heat for 2-3mins.
  • Then put lime juice and baking soda in it, and stir well.
  • Drink it before going to bed daily, it will help you to release all excessive digestive gases during sleeping and reduce belly bloating fast. ( SEE How To Remove Kidney Stones Overnight? )


Here are the following few habits, that will help you to reduce and get rid of all kind of digestive problems including belly bloating and farting naturally for the long term:

  • Limit carbohydrate intakes, like burgers, pizzas, and soft drinks.
  • Avoid laying down, just after dinner.
  • Eat more insoluble fiber.
  • Eat slowly and chewing properly and mindfully.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Evaluate stress, do yoga, etc.
  • Exercise daily.
