How To Clean Earwax In 2 Mins?



"How to remove earwax at home?", Is today topic of discussion.According to a report, 50% population of america, face hearing loss due to earwax during winter.Actually, there are special glands on skin, that make secretions that combine with dead skin cells to form earwax.

Over time, this earwax moves out the ear canal due to chewing or sneezing.But sometimes due to excessive use of cotton swab, ear phone, pin, etc moves the earwax inward ear-canal, in result cause ear-canal blockage, irritation, hearing loss, pain, etc.

We spend a lot of dollars on different drops, medicines or injection suction to clean earwax, but all these methods are natural-less and expensive, but if you are looking for a natural way to remove earwax instantly, then congratulation you are at right post, as today here I will share a natural remedy to clean earwax in just 3-4 mins. 


Here a lot of different medicines, drops, etc are available in markets, in order to reduce earwax, but all of such products have chemicals, that have many other side effects on your skin and hearing. So, avoid all such kind of products. 
Try the remedy today I am sharing with you and also share it with your friends to clean earwax instantly. And the good thing about that remedy is, all the ingredient use it are natural, easily available and cheap. Must try it to get rid of earwax permanently.



  • 1.tsp - Salt (helps to soften hard earwax, to move out easily)
  • 1.tbsp - Hydrogen peroxide (helps the wax bubble up, becoming softer to move out)
  • 1.cup - Water


  • First of all, slightly heat the water for 2-3 mins.
  • Then put salt and hydrogen peroxide in it, and stir well to have homogeneous solution.
  • Tilt the affected ear.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution and squeeze few drops of it into the affected ear.
  • Stay in the same position for 2-3 mins.
  • After 3 mins tilt your head in opposite direction to drain out the saline water, and using a cloth remove the softened wax.
  • Repeat the same process 2-3 times to remove the earwax completely. ( ALSO SEE How To Cure Gum Infection Naturally At Home? )
