How To Get Abs Fast At Home Without Equipment?



"How to get six packs abs fast at home?", Is the dream of everyone and for that purpose, most of us done alot of different workouts, plus also take protein shakes and supplements etc, to have six packs, but most of time we don't have perfect Abs.

Actually, just picking weights or doing cardio, we can't make perfect Abs, there are special techniques that must be kept in mind while doing workout to get six packs Abs fast and naturally.Today here I will share with you a best Abs cardio workout, which specially designed to shape, sharp and clear Abs within month.


Must try the following Abs exercises to have perfect six packs abs naturally, and a good news, all these exercises for six packs are so simple, easily, and you can do them at any where - you just need a exercise mat.



Lower your hips from a standing position, during that keep your chest up and hands behind your head, pause here for 10-15 sec and then stands back up.

Do same 20-25 reps for both sides, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.



Support yourself on one forearm with your legs outstretched, hips lifted, top arm hold behind head, then bend top leg and raise it to meet the same elbow, while doing that keep your body stable.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.


best-six-pack-abs -workout

Sit with bent knees and place your feet firming onto the floor, hold a weight or dumbbell in your hands next to your chest, then punch your right arm over to the left side, back to the center, and then do the opposite side.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.



Lay face-up with your lower back touching the ground with your arms and legs outstretched straight, then lifted slightly off the floor, pause here 10-15 secs, then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.



Place your right foot near your right hand and extend your left foot behind you, then switch your legs back and forth, while keeping your arms in the same position.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.

NOTE: SEE Best Whole Body Warm-up Exercises.  
