The DIY Hair Mask That Made Your Hair Growth In 7 Days!


Egg-Coconut Hair mask diy
DIY Hair Mask

This natural hair growth mask will not only speed up the growth of your hair but will also "bring back fresh life" into your hairs, making them shinier and thicker. Let's continue discussing DIY hair masks that can boost natural hair growth.


All the ingredients are used in it are natural, cheap, and easily available. Must try it and also share with it your family and friends in order to grow hair super faster.


  • 6.tbsp - Coconut Oil
  • 3 - Eggs


  • Whisk the coconut oil and eggs together to have a smooth mixture.
  • Massage this mask into the roots of your hair and then, spread the rest of the treatment to the length. Wrap your hair with a towel.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for at least 30 minutes
  • After30 mins rinse out with warm water.
  • Repeat same twice a week to increase hair length up to 9 inches/ month.
